David Macnaughton and his Fascinating World of Amateur Radio



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The view of a misty Megan valley from our  verandah - looking East


Dorrigo, New South Wales, Australia - 2500' (750M) above sea level.

The large building is the historic Dorrigo Hotel, built in 1925. It is listed by the National Trust and is a classic example of Australian hotel architecture of the 1920's. Whilst it is undergoing some restoration, it retains its old world charm.


An old dairy, about 4 kM from Dorrigo

The Dorrigo region was originally rainforest but now its lush green pastures are used for dairy farms, cattle breeding and fattening and potato growing. Some timber is still logged on the Plateau.

Wilson's Hill - a magnificent vista looking west.

This is on the road to Megan, about 6kM from Dorrigo


The rain forests of the Dorrigo plateau

Many tourists visit the Plateau to experience the thick old growth rainforests.

In the Dorrigo National Park there are walking trails that wind through the huge trees and pass by sparkling waterfalls. All this only 3kM from Dorrigo


Early morning looking east from our home at Megan

A view looking west from a location only 1kM from Dorrigo town centre

This is the Bellinger River at Bellingen, New South Wales.

Whilst not on the Dorrigo Plateau, most tourists to Dorrigo pass through Bellingen. A tour of Dorrigo is not complete without visiting this area.